2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumBERNIE: July 29th... 3344 Organizing Meetings 94,425 RSVPs
Last edited Tue Jul 28, 2015, 10:11 PM - Edit history (2)
Can you believe it!?!
3344 Organizing meetings!
94,425 RSVP's!
94,425 people have said YES
to Bernie's call for a mass movement.
If half of those people bring a friend
that's.... a hella lot of people for
Organizing meetings!
NO OTHER candidate could mobilize
that many people nationwide.
Check this map of the national meetings

(13,039 posts)eom
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)
Can't wait to meet up some Berniacs tomorrow!
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)kenn3d
(486 posts)As you may have noticed if you looked at that link, there are even several meetings shown in Alaska.
But what doesn't show on the OP map link is...
0MI July 29 04:00 PM
Waikiki Wakes Up for Bernie
SunDeck Waikiki Grand Hotel 134 Kapahulu Avenue tenth floor SunDeck Honolulu HI 96815
40 RSVPs
1.8MI July 29 03:30 PM
Bernie for President Honolulu Kickoff Meeting
Coffee Talk 3601 Waialae Ave. (Kaimuki) Honolulu HI 96816
45 RSVPs
1.8MI July 29 12:00 PM
Honolulu for Bernie
Honolulu 4189 Koko Dr Honolulu HI 96816
16 RSVPs
3MI July 29 04:30 PM
Hawaii for Bernie Downtown Gathering
ProtoHub Honolulu 458 Keawe St Honolulu HI 96813
45 RSVPs
17.3MI July 29 03:30 PM
Bernie...Not The Billionaires
Our House 92-1165 Makamai Loop Kapolei HI 96707
12 RSVPs
28.7MI July 29 03:30 PM
North Shore Get Together for supporters of Bernie Sanders
Haleiwa 66-072 Waialua Beach Road Apt A Haleiwa HI 96712
12 RSVPs
I just plugged in the zip code for Waikiki, but that map shows numerous other meetings across ALL of the Hawaiian islands as well.
It sure looks like a 50 State campaign indeed.
Very impressive.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)wilsonbooks
(972 posts)Go Bernie!!!!!
(53,475 posts)Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Isn't it wonderful to have a candidate we can be excited about?
I don't want to have to vote against the Republican in 2016, I want to cast my vote FOR a progressive.
You GO Bernie!
(5,208 posts)Weekend.
Go Bernie
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)This time tomorrow it will be ON!
The Burn will be spreading like wildfire east to west!
Get psyched, grab a friend, meet up
and build this game changing movement!
Go Berniacs!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)40 chairs and based on response levels say they think they may end with standing room only!
21 meetings in Maine!
(72,631 posts)

(50,983 posts)

winter is coming
(11,785 posts)tomm2thumbs
(13,297 posts)I think so
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)[font size="12"]3344 Organizing meetings!
94,425 RSVP's!
[/font size]
(7,321 posts)I'm attending anyway. I have to imagine I'm NOT the only one of the "uncounted" RSVP's. it'll be interesting to see a total count of folks attending that were not able to rsvp.
(3,533 posts)we're almost at a million shoes on the ground.
If Bernie keeps opening up uncharted Repub states, there's no stopping us.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)It could be made into a monster
If we all pull together as a team.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)them. There will be far more than 100,000 people at tomorrows organizing event.
Nothing like this has ever happened. And all across the country. Blue, red, and in between.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)
(11,441 posts)That's *very* encouraging!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)This nation is ready for the change
Bernie will lead us towards!
Lets help build a mass movement
of millions of people for change!
(11,441 posts)But there will be more!
Ah, just found this from our Indy paper...
By Bob Geary
(12,655 posts)for all the gatherings. so i imagine even if your gathering is a party of one or a few, there seems to be no reason not to be able to watch. live at 7.30 and 10.30 pm est. it will also be available to watch later
looks like SO and i will be having a very tiny party..getting excited!
wish i had picked up some doritoes at the store......
(3,533 posts)because in some places that might not even be enough?
(51,907 posts)This IS the Pacific Northwest, after all.
(9,497 posts)It is full....have to do with my small one on the eastside.
across Lake Washington!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)It will probably be more exciting
in that brewery than on Superbowl Sunday!
Pacific Coast hops....mmmmmmmm
Have an IPA for me pleeeeeze!
(51,907 posts)The organizers had an overflow, and decided to hold an event at 4pm as well. What happened was that they cycled the video through quite a few times from 4 to 8pm. That meant people coming and going all the time, so there couldn't really be an organized program in addition to the video. Still it was nice to be part of a really big crowd.
(46,179 posts)We've got a few on the east side of the Cascades, but it looks like we've got events in some homes and a different local business.
(14,081 posts)I will be watching from Ohio at 7:30 ET.
Do I dare have hope that this country can change direction ???
It is time for the 99% to take control and silence the 1%.
(4,775 posts)We had to go to register for the 4th closest event, the other 3 had already filled up. Small towns, Sonoma county, northern California. One of the filled up ones had 200 people capacity, filled up way early. We'll be driving about 45 minutes each way. So happy my parents wanted to go, they rarely if ever go to political events but want to go for Bernie.
There is a lot of excitement out there!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Lets get this mass movement rolling!
So far this is turning out to be an
unprecedented turnout for an
Organizing Meeting!
We are going to have over 100,000 participants!
We will get the attention of over a MILLION people.
You just can't but this kind of exposure or enthusiasm!!!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)winter is coming
(11,785 posts)JaneyVee
(19,877 posts)Stop being the worst persons on the internet.
(5,402 posts)JaneyVee should note that I am a Bernie supporter, and voted to leave it alone.
On Wed Jul 29, 2015, 11:38 AM an alert was sent on the following post:
Good. Maybe he'll tell his supporters to...
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Uncalled for. No wonder so many Good DU people are leaving.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Wed Jul 29, 2015, 11:51 AM, and the Jury voted 1-6 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Because somebody made a swipe at Bernie? Not a big deal.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This does not call out DUers specifically.
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I don't go to GDP. It's even worse than the Gungeon.
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
(19,877 posts)Just not one of those Bernie fans that are pissing off and harassing Black Lives Matters activists.
(5,402 posts)
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)UNBELIEVABLE

(5,178 posts)Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)This is the REAL WORLD and 100,000 people
have said YES to Bernie's call to mobilize!
(55,655 posts)Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)A megalopolis of 8 million+
and a paltry 5000 show up...
on a weekend!?
(55,655 posts)The park was full to capacity.
She's got 60 percent of Democrats in the polls. You get this is about votes, not likes on facebook or non-scientific pols on DU? No, I don't think you do.
You all threw away the votes of most loyal voting block in the Democratic Party. You're going to have to work overtime to get Republican and independent votes to make up for that. Luckily for you, it seems to be working.
Hillary 57% overall support
64% identifying at very liberal
58% identifying as liberal
59% identifying as moderate
37% identifying as somewhat conservative
27% identifying as very conservative
Sanders 22% overall support
26% identifying at very liberal
19% identifying as liberal
16% identifying as moderate
31% identifying as somewhat conservative
42% identifying as very conservative
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Bernie and the People are showing
what real commitment looks like.
Responding to a poll requires nothing
but a desire to express an opinion.
Getting out to an Organizing Meeting
is a whole nother thing.
I'll take 100,000 activists over
60% "of those polled" ANY DAY, ALL DAY.
We won't need to "weight" the results
to account for demographics either!
(42,607 posts)I'd certainly care if I was a Sanders supporter.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)These gun toting, 4x4 driving, working folk
know the real deal when the see it.
They aren't even considering the republicans
and Hillary... pfft
SO as for the "conservatives"
outside the beltway, Bernie is a lock
(2,605 posts)

Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)
anecdotal, yes but in my little corner of the world I am talking to people who I know are R's that are expressing surprising (to me) support for what Bernie stands for and the way he is doing politics in an honest and straightforward way that they feel has been missing
imagine that.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)In Ideology in America, Christopher Ellis and James Stimson describe a striking disjuncture. When identifying themselves in a word, Americans choose conservative far more than liberal. In fact they have done so for 70 years, and increasingly so since the early 1960s.
But when it comes to saying what the government should actually do, the public appears more liberal than conservative. Ellis and Stimson gathered 7,000 survey questions dating back to 1956 that asked some variant of whether the government should do more, less, or the same in lots of different policy areas. On average, liberal responses were more common than conservative responses. This has been true in nearly every year since 1956, even as the relative liberalism of the public has trended up and down. For decades now there has been a consistent discrepancy between what Ellis and Stimson call symbolic ideology (how we label ourselves) and operational ideology (what we really think about the size of government).
Looked at this way, almost 30 percent of Americans are consistent liberals people who call themselves liberals and have liberal politics. Only 15 percent are consistent conservatives people who call themselves conservative and have conservative politics. Nearly 30 percent are people who identify as conservative but actually express liberal views. The United States appears to be a center-right nation in name only.
(9,497 posts)This is probably a lot like it was in 2008. We would feed off each others's enthusiasm. We learned how to do so much. Some of us could only take people to the polls on election days, others helped people get registered.
I feel a movement gaining energy.
Off to get my stuff done, so I can meet some of my neighbors later! hee hee
(55,655 posts)You can read the raw numbers. PPP has been the most reliable pollster in the past.
It also makes sense in terms of the issues Sanders focuses on. The Tea Party began with anger toward Wall Street. It makes sense that some might be drawn to a candidate, particularly one who has avoided membership in the Democratic Party, who speaks to that frustration. Also the fact that Sanders supporters are overwhelmingly white increases the probability of conservative support. Whites tend to be more conservative overall, statistically speaking.
Activists are a self-selected sample, but even so polls of activists show support for Clinton. A recent posting on DU demonstrated that. I'll find the link and edit my post to include it, not for you but for those who don't claim scientific sampling is less valid than their own wishes.
Naturally you don't care about polls. The only view of society that matters is your own. It's all about you. Polls capture the views of a broad range of people, and those people cannot possibly matter in comparison to you and those who live and think exactly like you. That is the nature of entitlement.
(7,321 posts)from my house! I'm going anyway! so add ONE more to that total! Even if I have to hang outside!
SOOO HAPPY to know a local Bernie organizer is just two blocks away in my own neighborhood!
(12,471 posts)THIS is the way we organize and the way we eventually WIN!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)[font size="12" font color="orange"] 100,886 RSVPS [/font]
[font size="12" font color="green"]This is HUGH![/font]

winter is coming
(11,785 posts)Everyone knows it's supposed to be "HUGH"!!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)
Will edit

George II
(67,782 posts)I wonder if we'll hear about actual bodies showing up - 100,000 RSVPs won't translate into 100,000 people being at the meetings.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)These are excited, and motivated people.
Bernie may be a onec in a lifetime candidate.
It's go time, let's make this happen!
George II
(67,782 posts)....as of 5:12 PM Eastern time are 3,146 "meetings" and 82,853 "RSVPs". Oooops!
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)LWolf
(46,179 posts)Here in my area, the "overflow" meeting, scheduled because the first local meeting at a private home filled to capacity instantly, is now at capacity as well.
And another meeting is scheduled to the north to take THOSE overflows.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)

(46,585 posts)Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)He asked for a Mass Movement...
We are going to deliver!
(46,585 posts)I am astounded (and happy beyond belief) at the power of social media.
I'm feeling the Bern.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Need a shower, food and hit the road!
Hope EVERYONE that can, gets out tonight.
Those that cannot, enjoy the Live Stream!
Go Bernie!
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)we started a network!.
Lots of skills, talents, and diverse people.
From local political leaders, professionals,
student and retirees, we have an amazing
pool of resources to build a monster!
The opportunities and potential of our group,
and many others, could break the mold
and unleash a whole new breed of citizens.
Bernie wants a revolution...
I just hope he and all of us are ready for
what's about to emerge!
OMG, it's gonna be a beautiful monster!