Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumAn update from Occupy Fights Foreclosures (California)
"Just a note to thank you for your support and for standing with homeowners as we continue to fight to keep families in their homes. During the past few weeks more and more families are coming asking for help. The desperation and agony that families are facing is sometimes overwhelming. We are doing all we can to help all those that come to us seeking help. We are presently working with several families. As you know, I am a part of a Occupy Fights Foreclosures, a homeowners defense group. We are also engaged in bringing changes at every level. Both in the political and legislature. Our group was instrumental in helping to pass the California Homeowners Bill of Rights. Governor Brown signed the bill which will take effect on Jan. 1, 2013. We are so proud to have pushed for the passage of the bill that will help thousands if not millions of families protect their homes from illegal foreclosures. We are also working in making sure that other legislature bills protect homeowners and their families. This coming Tuesday we are going to be having a direct action at Deutsche Bank in Los Angeles. DB, a Geman bank continues to foreclose and evict families illegally and fraudulently. We are filing complaints with the Dept. of Justice, AG among other Gov. agencies. Deutsche Bank is among one of the worse fraudclosure financial institutions who ignore U.S. Laws and we are going to bring more attention to their illegal practices.
Once again, thank you for your support."
(Much love to Occupy Fights Foreclosures!)

sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)One of the most devastating things for those facing foreclosure in this country is the lack of access to legal assistance for civil matters in this country unless you are wealthy. So many people were simply run out of their homes because they could not afford legal advice.
I wrote about this a while ago, can't bring up old OPS, when I read an article about it and how it basically puts the US on a par with third world countries when it comes to important civil rights issues such as having one's home taken away with no means of fighting back.
There is legal assistance for criminal matters, but not for civil issues.
Maybe that is something to work on after this horrific disastrous period where millions have lost their homes without any means of obtaining legal help to fight back.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)Committee. So far it hasn't made it out of Committee yet but it should.
I think the one you posted is a Ca bill. Other states had similar bills on the ballot but I don't know if they passed.
However it is still great that there is some movement on trying to get a moratorium on foreclosures and I hope there will be a huge drive to back the Congressional Bill. Here are the co-sponsors of the bill:
Carson, André [D-IN7]
Clarke, Yvette [D-NY11]
Cleaver, Emanuel [D-MO5]
Conyers, John [D-MI14]
Ellison, Keith [D-MN5]
Grijalva, Raul [D-AZ7]
Jackson, Jesse [D-IL2]
Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH9]
Lewis, John [D-GA5]
Miller, George [D-CA7]
Waters, Maxine [D-CA35]
Kucinich, Dennis [D-OH10]
It should have a lot more than that, especially a lot more Dems. I think I will call our newly elected Dem here in Ca Dist 26 as she seems to be a real progressive Dem.
Thanks for the info, I think the more people who know about this at the Federal Level, the more chance it has of passing. Not a single Republican Sponsor though, this is the kind of thing I am going to show to my Republican friends who think that party works for them. And we have people talking about Dems being willing to compromise?? How about Republicans compromising for a change?