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Related: About this forumBest Telethon Ever: Strike Debt’s Scrappy, Brilliant People’s Bailout
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Best Telethon Ever: #StrikeDebts Scrappy, Brilliant Peoples Bailout
(v @alexisgoldstein)
Hello, my debt is $40k. As we entered the Peoples Bailout last night at New Yorks Le Poisson Rouge, a volunteer invited us to make a name tag but instead of writing down our names, we were supposed to fill in the amount of debt were struggling under. Although my student loan debt isnt something Im used to speaking openly about, and the naïveté with which I mortgaged my future to get a masters degree in a field where masters degrees arent so much a requirement as a stigma still embarrasses me, I grabbed the Sharpie and wrote, $40k. For the first time since I started making my just-barely-feasible loan payments, being honest about my debt brought me relief instead of guilt.
I didnt expect the Peoples Bailout to be such a personal experience for me. Organized by Strike Debt, an Occupy Wall Street offshoot dedicated to fight predatory lending and challenge big banks power over the vast majority of Americans through credit card, medical, educational, and mortgage debt, the event was a benefit for the organizations Rolling Jubilee project an ingenious plan to buy up distressed debt and forgive it. Since debt can be bought for just pennies on the dollar on the secondary market, Strike Debt realized that if they raised $250,000, they could relieve a whopping $5 million of it. To aid in the effort, they planned the Peoples Bailout as a live and live-streamed telethon, featuring performances by a boatload of entertainers sympathetic to the cause. Although I always supported the cause, Ill admit that it was those big names (Jeff Mangums in particular) that convinced me to make my donation and come down to LPR.
But what I experienced after I filled out my name tag and stuck it among the others on a wall of personal debt made the night about much more than rare performances. There was something of Zuccotti Park in the air, with handwritten financial horror stories blown up to poster size and stuck on the wall of LPRs bar area, as Occupy-related organizations tabled and handed out flyers. Outside the venue, anarchist performance-art icon and perennial presidential candidate Vermin Supreme greeted attendees by asking, Mr. Rogers-style, Wont you be my neighbor? Strangers working for one cause or another introduced themselves. Performers who jokingly alluded to violent revolution against the 1% or pointed out that corporations control not just Republicans but both major political parties got the loudest applause (well, except for Mangum). Even the air was permeated by that faint mix of body odor and residual (or maybe not so residual) marijuana that anyone who spent much time in Liberty Square will forever associate with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
(More at the link.)

Response to Fire Walk With Me (Original post)
antiquie This message was self-deleted by its author.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)to destroy them.
Using Wall Street's own tactics is brilliant.
I know they worked on this for months, while the anti-OWS contingency was declaring them 'dead'!

It's too bad that even though their efforts won't solve the problem of the huge amount of debt students carry, they have done more with this to help people than our elected officials have even tried to do.