Why Is the Air Force Suddenly Removing Drone Strike Data?
Patriotic Geek ?@GlobalMonKahuna
Why Is the Air Force Quietly Scrubbing Drone Strike Data?: Image: AP As the debate over the federal government... http://bit.ly/Y2Hw0B
As the debate over the federal governments drone strike program is climaxing in Washington, the Air Force has quietly erased previously published drone strike data from its website. Additionally, the Air Force has now changed its policy of publishing statistics of drone strikes in Afghanistan each month.
Air Force Central Command (AFCENT) had been publishing monthly updates on drone strikes, or weapons releases from remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), since October. However, data published in February suddenly contained empty space where the box of RPA statistics had previously been, the Air Force Times reports.
Upon further investigation, Air Force Times reporters Brian Everstine and Aaron Mehta discovered additional statistics from previous months were missing as well.
Foreign Policy provides a before and after of the Air Force drone strike reports:
(More at the link.)