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Obama Administration Announces Health Grants To Help Transgender Population
By Kellan Baker on Feb 22, 2012 at 1:50 pm
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced two new grant competitions focusing on connecting HIV-positive transgender women of color with health care services, including primary care and HIV-related care.
The first grant opportunity, which is designed to improve the overall quality of HIV care for transgender women of color, will award each of up to eight grantees $300,000 annually for five years. The demonstration sites will develop, implement, and evaluate innovative programs designed to connect these women with timely and appropriate care. These programs will also help them stay in touch with providers who can provide a range of primary and HIV-related services.
The second opportunity will fund an Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center that will coordinate capacity-building activities, provide technical assistance in clinical and cultural competence around care for HIV-positive transgender women of color, and oversee the dissemination of findings from the demonstration sites.
The new grants are part of a growing number of initiatives by the Department of Health and Human Services that specifically focus on the transgender population. In September 2011, HRSA awarded a grant to Fenway Health, an LGBT community health center in Boston, to establish a National Training and Technical Assistance Center that will help other community health centers serve the LGBT population. Also in 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded $55 million over five years to 34 community-based organizations to expand HIV prevention services for transgender youth of color, as well as young gay and bisexual men of color.
Hope this fits with the SOP here. Because it certainly didn't where I first posted.

La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)
(65,616 posts)We all wanted diversity.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Really great news. Now I'm curious where you posted the story first.
(135,060 posts)I had too many windows open.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)People who lurk in there were probably confused, lol. Thank you for posting it in here.
(20,219 posts)from way back during the inauguration --I especially remember that circus--.....screaming about Obama hates gay people, and worst of all, attacking anyone here who "weren't with them"...
I knew I would never see any retraction, amends nor apology from any of them.
(If anyone has admitted they were jumping to angry conclusions, I've missed it and I apologize.)
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)especially for warren.
I do not at all think I have to apologize for a warranted criticize of Obama. I'll praise him when he earns it and criticize him when he doesn't.
(20,219 posts)Maybe it depends on how the criticizing is done. I remember someone in particular who was hostile, accused me of "being with them", posting endless attack threads against Obama AND against DUers who didn't fall in with him/her, stalking anyone who didn't join in the extreme rhetoric that he/she espoused. He/she should have gotten pizza'd, but never did, I don't think.
And I just happen to think that when one is proven wrong, if you've contributed to an atmosphere of hate or misinformation, you should publicly apologize. For example, I think the M$M should do such an apology--repeatedly.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)with rick warren felt.
rick warrens church incidentally set off the huge anti gay waves in uganda and other places in africa
in this country, having rick warren in the inaugural speeches may not seem so bad, but perpetuating homophobia has real consequences
(20,219 posts)I've been in committed long-term r-ships with men and with women.
and yes I know about the damned christofascist missions setting off the hate killings in Uganda. There are a lot of fundies where I work and one time one of them did start talking about missions, so I took the opportunity to mention the result in Uganda of their religious evangelizing. She went blank and quiet, and hurried away. And if the subject comes up again, I'll say it again.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)of other pastors who he could have had at his inauguration, it felt like hatred. And even if it wasn't his personal hatred of LGBT people, his tolerance of the hatred was shameful.
(20,219 posts)I was...I hate that guy, and his nasty ilk.
I was confused and I didn't like the choice, but I also thought along these lines: Well, I'm aware that politics takes a lot of maneuvering---there are morons who must be placated in the midst of serious business. I will wait and see what he (Obama) DOES, because this sermon looks like a fish tossed to the seals so that they'll shut up--meanwhile, he (Obama) will be able to attend to important business. (NO INSULT TO SEALS. actually I feel bad for dragging them into this, since I love seals!! Maybe I should have said throw a cookie to the whining bratty children to shut them up for a bit---yeah that's better!)
So, I was not disappointed. Obama's actions have proved what I thought, that he IS a man of fairness and able to change his views when they're proved wrong.
I just disagree with holding on to a slight that happened 3 1/2 years ago --that was actually done for a larger, better purpose--while minimizing or even refusing altogether to appreciate the more important action on progressive legislation.
(on edit, I want to reiterate that when I wrote my post, I was thinking of a specific JERK who pissed me off-- he/she was over the top and truly should be admitting it and making public amends.
He/she refused to have any rational conversation, and so even when offered a calm explanation of a differing viewpoint, he WOULD not behave civilly in return.
He/she really whipped up a wave of nasty hostility around here, and had a big hand, I think, in creating "torches and pitchforks" mob mentality against anyone who didn't get as over the top as s/he and angrily march alongside him/her.)