FWIW PsychCentral: 9 things NOT to say to a person with mental illness
Yes there is advice in the article on what you might say...but you see I'm #4
1. “Get busy, and distract yourself.”
2. “Do you want to get better?”
3. “Change your attitude.”
4. “Stop focusing on the bad stuff, and just start living.”
5. “You have everything you need to get better.”
6. “You can snap out of it. Everyone feels this way sometimes."
7. “Just pray about it.”
8. “Why can’t you work?”
9. “You have the same illness as my ______.”

(55,621 posts)Or "you aren't trying hard enough." I actually had a psychologist tell me that. She was a DBT therapist. DBT targets Borderline Personality Disorder, and she didn't seem to understand depression at all.
(36,063 posts)I mean think just think about that. Just how does being judgmental about nonjudgmental mindfulness work, anyway?