Biden, Newtown parents chastise Senate on assault weapons ban

By Jonathan Allen | Reuters 7 hrs ago
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined parents of Newtown massacre victims on Thursday to urge Congress to enact gun-control laws, chastising the Senate for failing to support a ban on assault weapons.
The vice president and the mayor, two of the nation's most prominent gun-control advocates, were joined at a City Hall news conference by relatives of victims killed by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14.
"I'm really ashamed to see that Congress doesn't have the guts to stand up and make a change and put a ban on these type of weapons," Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse Lewis was killed at Sandy Hook, told a news conference.
"That weapon of war has no place on American streets, and taking it off American streets has no impact on one's constitutional right to own a weapon," Biden said, referring to the military-style semiautomatic rifle used by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook, where he killed 20 children and six adults.
Dear NRA, we will not give up, ever.

(3,547 posts)so what is the point? Why waste valuable political capital on nothing more than just symbolic measure.
(27,773 posts)BTW - Just to make sure you're not lost - this is the group SOP:
(17,493 posts)Yesterday I was looking at this group and received a call from my grandson who proudly announced he had just rented his first house.
When the call ended, I replied to a post thinking that I was in the Gungeon. That was a careless mistake that I will attempt to avoid in the future.
While I am a strong gun rights supporter, I also wish to see effective improvements to our current gun laws. Hopefully I will be able to make positive suggestions in this group and support the suggestions of those who strongly support gun control that I agree with.
Both sides of the debate have some good ideas and if we ever learn to listen to each other we may actually accomplish some good.
I do understand that the Gungeon was a tough group for any gun control advocate to post in. It is definitely the Wild West of DU. Those who support strong gun control do need a safe haven to develop and discuss ideas without harassment. When a poster here comes up with what he/she considers a good idea, I hope he/she then tests it out in the Gungeon. Of course I will be willing to politely criticize an idea posted in the Gungeon which is not my goal when I post here.
(27,773 posts)...but generally I know what group I'm on DU unless I'm routing through the Latest Page. The above post sucks big time IMHO - if Adam Lanza did not have access to guns those kids may very well still be alive today: that is fact, indisputable fact.
I think comparing the Gungeon to the "Wild West" might be a little too ennobling. - Keep it productive, non-trolly and consider the SOP when posting and there should be no issue. But just to be clear, this isn't the place to argue the Wayne LaPierre line that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
We're really trying to be fair with this group, but at the same time we are obligated to not let the general harassment spread into this group too
(17,493 posts)jmg257
(11,996 posts)guns & mags Nancy Lanza had easy access to and allowed her gun fucker son to have such easy access to, weren't so easy to get, all the kids would probably NOT be dead. And neither would some portion of all those others massacred in similiar ways, AND all those yet to be massacred in the future.
Get it now?
Gun fuckers suck. Once 'law abiding' gun fuckers suddenly aren't, they tend to want to kill a bunch of people with guns. So there is great interest it trying to limit the carnage they can carry out. One good way is to substantially limit the guns and accoutrements they have access to.
That's the point.
A much better question then yours is, why not pass the law?
There is actually NO good reason not to.
Gun owners can still enjoy the liberies of self defense, serve in militias, hunt, plink, & use their guns in other lawful manners - whatever gets 'em off. Yes it is understood they may have to change their habits to enjoy their hobby if it gets a bit too cramped or inconvenienced by new regulations. But it's worth it.
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(261 posts)Who publicly made statements about the lack of courage of our Cogresspeople.