Gun locks offered at North-East Library
By admin | Posted September 27th, 2017
KCPD and Moms Demand Action (MDA) teamed up Wednesday afternoon at the North-East Branch library to host a presentation about gun safety.
East Patrol Community Interaction Officer Greg Smith brought guides to gun safety,
as well as gun locks to hand out to those in attendance. Smith gave a demonstration on how to properly secure a gun with a lock. He stressed the importance of practicing safe gun habits.
“We’ve had several children injured or (who) lost their lives by getting a hold of weapons,” Smith said. “We had one here just a few days ago, and there was one in St. Louis just this weekend where a 5-year-old got hold of a gun, accidentally fired it and killed the dad. We don’t want anyone losing their lives.”
MDA volunteer Andrea Kimball gave a presentation on practicing gun safety by following the SMART plan, which is an acronym for: Secure guns, Model responsible behavior, Ask about guns in other homes, Recognize the risks of teen suicide, and Tell your peers to be SMART.
And another reference:
That’s why Moms Demand Action developed the BeSMART program. BeSMART outlines actions everyone — gun owners or non-gun owners — can take to keep our homes safe havens. In order to save lives, we must Be SMART:
S: Secure guns in homes (and vehicles) by locking them up and storing ammunition separately.
Free gun locks are available through the BeSMART program or, often, your local police department.
Moms Demand Action has been teaming up with local Police Departments all over the country to provide free gun locks, and to spread information about their SMART program.
Support this, and other anti gun violence organizations in any way that you can, and help to rid our nation of the gun violence epidemic brought about by the right-wing gun lobby and their marketing arm, the NRA.