Pro-Gun Control organizations
I'd like to start by creating a thread for organizations supporting gun control legislation.
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
The Joyce Foundation
The Violence Policy
Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Americans For Responsible Solutions
Please add any groups working to support gun control legislation which are sources for statistics on gun violence or that may need our financial support to oppose the pro-gun lobby.

(6,057 posts)I especially liked the links provided by the VPC on the gun lobby! A real eye opener.
(20,709 posts)The Harvard School of Public Health has a bunch of studies and links to overviews about certain issues:
Johns Hopkins also has a good gun policy research center.
(54,770 posts)Robb
(39,665 posts)russ1943
(618 posts)From a legal perspective; Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly Legal Community Against Violence)
Wendy Cukier President, Coalition for Gun Control of Canada is a good source for an International perspective from our Northern neighbors.
A couple of news feeds that follow published shootings; Ohh Shoot highlights unintentional shootings.
A searchable list of accidental shootings reported by the media.
(25,486 posts)NRA Watch
(20,709 posts)jimmy the one
(2,725 posts)There's Ceasefire, not sure if actually a guncontrol group per se, or rather an anti crime program stemming from an anti guncrime initiative which was spurred by 'project exile' out of richmond virginia in late 90's (a federal program despite nra's bragadoccio).
They send me a link & pennsy updates on about a monthly basis. It might be 'state specific' to pennsylvania - most of the states I think, have some sort of effort like it.
CeaseFirePA is building a statewide network of communities taking a stand against gun violence. In cities and towns across Pennsylvania, individuals and organizations have already taken the first steps toward safer neighborhoods by launching their own local initiatives to reduce gun violence. CeaseFirePA is working to connect those leaders, and join and magnify their voices as one.
I'm a member of brady campaign btw, several years, I would encourage others to join; I don't believe a membership fee, tho you will get the usual emails which are generally quite informative & include the usual RFD clickons. Sarah Brady & her husband Pat (was it? wounded by john hinckley with RR) are republicans, a couple of their shining stars imo. I also belong to the group recently formed by Gabby Giffords, Americans for Responsbile something (sorry). Don't actually belong to ceasefire just rec their emails.
Here's a link which lists a lot of our guncontrol orgs in one concise website: from Virginia Center for Public Safety is a non-profit, non-partisan grass roots organization dedicated to the reduction of gun violence in Virginia.
--- Now, the list below from VaCPS is evidently put out by the nra, so it contains some slanted views on the groups, but surprisingly the remarks aren't malicious or really that bad. Use it as a concise list is all, and when reading the synopses consider the source. If you can live with the irony of a 'concise list' put out by the enemy, eh?
Here below is the info synopsis the nra has about ceasefire, & you can see relatively mild:
CeaseFire, Inc. Headquarters: 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104(212) 484-1616
Executive Director: Elizabeth Schmidt
CeaseFire, Inc. was formed in 1995 with a stated mission to "reshape the gun violence debate in America." Infused with money from Courtney Love, the widow of rock star Curt Cobain, who committed suicide, the organization signed on the numerous high-profile celebrities and business people listed below to their advisory panel. CeaseFire runs TV Public Service Announcements with celebrities and runs print advertising in major newspapers and magazines with the message that guns are dangerous and gun ownership is a threat to family and friends. Their stated goal is to promote "handgun-free homes and families" by claiming that gun ownership is a public health threat.
If you'd rather not post a list from the nra, no problem, I'd understand.
(2,012 posts)We have an active Ceasefire group in Colorado, started by Tom Mauser whose son was killed at Columbine. He has testified in Washington and Denver many times. The group needs support from the thousands who agree but don't speak out.
(18,318 posts)Are "progressive gun control organizations" progressive because they are noted for their generally progressive policies, or because they are mere supportive of "gun control?" I have in mind the Brady organization, which was founded by Reagan-era Republicans. Thanks.
(46,192 posts)and was good on this issue.
this complaint seems ridiculous.
(31,182 posts)...And that I am somehow supposed to be in solidarity with the anti-gun-control people. They have repeatedly poured sand in the gears of threads about gun control with this stupid talking point.
(6,649 posts)NRA and its right-wing supporters who are Republican, and both we and they know who they are here on DU.
(7,981 posts)I Promise to do everything I can to encourage and support common sense solutions that make my community and our country safer from similar acts of violence.
(39,665 posts)SecularMotion
(7,981 posts)billh58
(6,649 posts)Another valuable gun control Group:
(11,850 posts)blackribbonamerica
(2 posts)I run a campaign to fight for a reasonable gun registration in every state that covers every gun sold .We create petitions ,post articles, and raise funds by selling t-shirt with a message.We're active on most social networks.We have plan is we get the funding to directly challenge every statement the NRA puts out there in a very public way.Press conferences like they have should be addressed in press conferences with a reasonable gun ownerships view.
I wanted to put a full page ad Washington Post at the time that would of explained why a guard in every school won't work or could most school systems in this country afford it. But a full page ad costs $60,000 it was worth it but it was beyond my means.Every time they make a stupid statement it should be challenged every time it's not they win by default.
I'm willing to do it but I can't not in any meaningful way.
I've already stated in many places I will debate the NRA anywhere at anytime so far no answer
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