Sen. Boxer Proposes Pause For Safety Act
"Senator Barbara Boxer proposed the Pause for Safety Act last Friday, which under certain circumstances would grant law enforcement greater power to confiscate firearms, as well as allow family members to prevent someone close to them from being allowed to purchase a firearm.
The proposed legislation a direct response to the shooting in Isla Vista on May 23 includes three main provisions. First, the act would allow family members to obtain a gun violence prevention order that would allow family members to prevent a person close to them, on a temporary basis, from purchasing a firearm if they are thought to pose a threat to themselves or others. The second includes a gun violence prevention warrant that would allow law enforcement to confiscate previously purchased firearms if authorized by a court of law. Lastly, the legislation would make it a mandatory universal practice for law enforcement to make use existing gun registries when responding to a tip, warning or request from a concerned family member or other close associate.
The Pause for Safety Act would make checking gun registries a mandatory and universal practice in states that have them, instead of a discretionary resource for law enforcement officers."
Makes sense to me. I mean, who is best suited to know if someone has gone 'round the bend and become a danger to themselves or others than spouse or child living with them?