Regulation needed, not gun control
● There are 289 people shot every day in the United States.
● Eighty-six people die of gun wounds every day.
● Eight children or youth die of gun wounds every day.
● A human being is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes in America.
Its the guns, stupid.
We cant control them, but we can, and eventually must, regulate them.
Visiting before her speech, Ms. Hockley told me she would never get over the death of her son. Its not possible, she said, and she would not want it to be possible.
If we are a good society, a just and humane one, even an approximation of the civilization we want to be, we wont forget it either.
It's not a long column and well worth the read. We can do something about gun violence in America and do it without taking anyone's rights and it's not rocket science.
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