Interfaith Group
Related: About this forumAbout Charleston
I go wild on a regular basis over Christians in the news, but until the Charleston murders, it's been because the Christ-professers show so little knowledge of the teachings of their Savior. Amidst the usual horror of a mass shooting is the grief that the victims indeed were being Christians. They met together to pray and study. They welcomed a stranger in their midst, even if they felt uncomfortable with a white man in their midst. But it was church; so he was welcome. If he indeed sat with them an hour, I know each of them welcomed him, tried to find common ground (in the South, usually talking about "your people" to find a connection), and if he was a bit strange, well, many come to church deeply troubled. And he shot them.
I was born into a Southern racist family. I was horrified by their attitudes for as long as I can remember. I moved away. I raised my child differently. But not everybody did, and a 21-year-old walked into God's house and murdered God's family. At least Southern courtesy should have kept him from that, but I've always known that much Southern courtesy is a micro-thin film.
Long ago I adopted St. Francis' prayer as my motto: "Where there is hate, let me sow love." How do I do that? Yes, I'll send donations. But racism, from the time I learned about Emmet Till, has always seemed like a tsunami of hatred, overwhelming, engulfing, impossible to divert. Having an AA president, whom I worked to elect, just rubbed off that film of courtesy,
I'm posting here because I want to hear from AAs. How do I sow love, bring comfort, be Christ (not make myself feel better).
Anyway, I'm listening.*
* not to be confused with putting up with BS

(33,982 posts)I don't know what to say about the rest of it. I've been to Tennessee. Farthest I've been into that end of the country, and I was shocked by the amount of pro-confederacy stuff everywhere. The highway names. The generals as statues on the side of the road. The building I was going to, to revamp part of their data center, had a diorama in the lobby. A poor injured confederate soldier, crawling away in fear from two practically demon-faced sneering Union soldiers stalking up from the other side of the fence.
It was ducking bizarre. I wanted to leave, immediately, and I'm white. I grew up in Seattle so that level of nostalgia for the wrong side of the civil war was deeply disturbing to me.
It really resonated with what John Stewart said last night about racial wallpaper, that there's some element of this country still stewing in hate.
I didn't even make it to S.C. Just TN. It was disturbing, to borderline frightening.
Anyway, I don't think much of this has much to do with religion, so again, I'd suggest the AA group for a wider audience.
(71,265 posts)Thank you for posting your thoughts in this room.
You might consider cross posting in the African American group.
It's not exactly in the category of walking into a black church to pray with them--can't imagine that would be too welcome at the moment.