Silence of the Heart (didn't now where to post this)
By Al Garcia
Church bells ring on silent streets, and empty pews and unused hymnals with songs of praise untouched by human hands. Words of comfort and of solace too plaintive for the fearful heart. And abandoned hope and resurrected faith laid bare upon the alter of infected minds and weeping souls, afraid to touch the hand of God.
The silence of the heart overwhelming and disquieting, but not dispiriting or disheartening. The glimmering cathedrals, spiral churches, synagogues, temples and gardens of worship of every type, filled only with the shadows of the gathering of angels, fading into the dark and becoming one with the echoes of time. Unseen, untouchable. Faith unquestioned.
Nations have conquered nations but never captured the human souls that empower the consciousness of faith in self, in country and in one another. Nature continually challenges, provokes, destroys and attempts in every way to break the human spirit, yet faith remains inside the silence of the heart, tattered and bruised, but intact and unbroken.
Today, the world faces a crisis beyond the grasp of ordinary men. We are confronted and plagued by uncertainty and doubt. The silence of the heart ignites the dreams of tomorrow and shelters the memories of all our yesterdays, and fills the emptiness within us, giving us the courage and the resolve to persevere.
Faith is not just about church bells ringing and choirs signing. Faith is about the passion for life and for living, engrained in the human psyche. And challenges to the body, the mind or the spirit only emboldens our faith and our determination to meet the tests of time that come our way.
We have endured the tests of time before. We have triumphed over evil in wars of every type. We have prevailed over nature’s force and power on land, at sea and in the air. We have overcome infestations, plagues, epidemics and pestilences of every type. So, ye of little faith, believe and have faith. For this too, we shall overcome.
Faith dwells inside the silence of the heart. It is deafening and resounding if you take the time to listen. On Sunday, you may not hear the church bells ring or choirs singing, but you will hear your soul rejoice, if only you have faith.