Good News
Related: About this forumReally Good News
Last month MFM sent me a DUmail asking if I would continue the daily good news thread that he started while he 'rested up' and got back on his feet. It was a great idea and one that should continue.
Unfortunately my schedule is somewhat uncertain. Yesterday I drove from Tucson to LAX to San Diego to Chula Vista to El Centro. (mrs grantcart has gone to Bangkok on the day that the protest movement said that they would shut it down. She plans to join and send me reports). Some days I just have a minute or two and others I have enough time to complete the task.
hermetic has graciously agreed to take over writing the thread and I hope that those in this group will encourage him/her.
hermetic is one of those words that sound like something you know but aren't quite sure of. Looking in the dictionary I found that there are 4 options. Normally multiple options are closely related. Not in this case.
Option 1
hermetic chose this name because it is "of or pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus or the writings ascribed to him."
Option 2
or because it is pertaining to, or characteristic of occult science, especially alchemy.
Option 3
or because he/she wanted to signify that he/she is made airtight by fusion or sealing.
Option 4
or because he/she wanted to signify a contributor that wouldn't be affected by outward influence or power.
I am guessing that it is the 4th option that justifies the use of the name and that made me think of this thread by Mr. WilliamPitt yesterday:
When I saw that I agreed with all of the points made by I also thought "DU has an app for that", the daily thread that helps gives a moment of fresh air of hope and good news so that we don't get immobilized. It was a great idea by MFM and I am so glad that hermetic has agreed to do it "without being affected by outward influence or power".
Just remember there is nothing so irritating in the world as someone who remains cheerful against all odds and reason, especially if they are prophets calling on the rich to repent, revolutionaries calling on the people to take power, or litigators fighting for the oppressed.
Have a great day and continue to irritate!

(8,771 posts)I'll gladly accept option 4. Truth be told though, when I was choosing a name I picked Hermite (a female hermit) which I was planning to become in order to survive the reign of the BFEE. But I was told that name had already been taken so I was offered some options. I picked this one because I have read the writings of Hermes Trismegistus and I'm down with all that stuff.
I am honored to pick up the mantle of the mighty MFM and take on this tradition to preserve the memory of such a fine person. Let's do him proud.
Now I must go and amass images of puppies and babies that will irritate the trolls who prefer to see us angry and depressed. Fah on them, I say! See you tomorrow.
(13,509 posts).
carry on
(12,704 posts)Hermes is not only the Greek god who conducted souls to the underground but he is a trickster figure associated with synchronicity. I don't have the time to go into more detail but when I first saw grantcart's post I immediately thought you chose the handle hermetic related to this task. To find out that it is mere coincidence that your handle is hermetic is too funny.
(53,061 posts)And shared with dozens of lovers and had dozens of children.