Good News
Related: About this forumCop's Response To Terrified Black Teen He Pulled Over Is Going Viral
With all the angst and anxiety over the upcoming election. With all the anger over police shootings. With everything that's going on, it is heartening to remember that there are good people out there. Take the time to read the whole article. It is worth the couple of minutes it will take you and leave you feeling just a little better.
"I pulled a car over last night for texting and driving. When I went to talk to the driver, I found a young black male, who was looking at me like he was absolutely terrified with his hands up."
"He said, 'What do you want me to do officer?' His voice was quivering. He was genuinely scared."
"I just looked at him for a moment, because what I was seeing made me sad. I said, "I just don't want you to get hurt."
"I truly don't even care who's fault it is that young man was so scared to have a police officer at his window. Blame the media, blame bad cops, blame protestors, or Colin Kaepernick if you want. It doesn't matter to me who's to blame. I just wish somebody would fix it."

The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)Media and protesters and Kaepernick would not be in the story if not for the murders. Honestly how blind this sympathetic good person is to bring up many different reasons why this young back would be so afraid. It amazes me.
(4,033 posts)he was trying to figure out how to fix it. Are there bad cops? Hell yes. Are there racist cops? Hell yes. Are bad racist cops scared out of their minds when dealing with 'big black scary dudes (you know, the 5'5" 120lb ones)"? Unfortunately, hell yes.
Let's also look at the fact that this has been going on for a long time, but with smart phone cameras, social media, and other advances in technology, we are suddenly seeing it live and in person so to speak. And the previous sentence is in no way meant to minimize the problem, please believe me when I say that.
I would like to go back to beat cops and neighborhood policing, where the beat cop gets to know the neighborhood. Who the good kids and good adults are and who the bad ones are. It is a whole lot harder to shoot someone you know than a stranger. Get out of the damn cars, walk the beat, interact with the folks who live there. Get rid of the problem cops and don't just shuffle them off to a new job in a new city. Prosecute the really bad ones and lock them up. But also we need to do a whole lot better job of training cops. Lethal force is the absolute last option, not the go-to option. And you are not going to fix things overnight. But fix it we must, if we are to have any self-respect as a nation. And, while I am on my hobby horse, get rid of the damn privatized jails and prisons!
So, lets look up to the good cops, the ones who really believe in 'protect and serve', who do try to treat everyone as a person of value and worth. As someone's son or daughter, someone's husband or wife, father or mother. Let's put them out in front and get rid of the bad ones. Can't do it overnight, but it is a goal we need to strive for. And I think that this was one officer trying to do just that.
(15,137 posts)

Stuart G
(38,726 posts)