"Boy who fell in Los Angeles drainage pipe found alive " CNN:
By Cheri Mossburg and Joe Sterling, CNN
Updated 8:31 PM ET, Mon April 2, 2018
Los Angeles (CNN) — Rescuers in Southern California on Monday morning spotted and extricated a boy who was stuck in a maze of drainage pipes for about 12 hours, authorities said.
Searchers doggedly inspecting a complex drainage system network found Jesse Hernandez, 13, at a Burbank location around dawn.
The boy was given a cell phone to call his family after he was plucked from danger, the Los Angeles Fire Department said.
"I've never seen a command post of big burly guys so filled with joy," department spokesman Erik Scott said.
The harrowing incident began during an Easter gathering of 20 family members at Griffith Park in Los Angeles. The boy was believed to have been playing on an old shack in the late afternoon when boards covering a pipe opening gave way. He fell about 25 feet into a sewer pipe.