***EXCITED to welcome to Iowa MARTIN O'MALLEY.
'Bold progressive leader' said the intro. VERY good introduction!
'I need your help.'
Future depends on strength of our country.
Only candidate with 15 years of executive experience. Applause.
MD Public schools #1; tuition frozen; Dream Act.
A growing injustice in our country, economic. Didn't happen by accident. Promise of Acmerian dream is on the ropes.
Wall Street bonuses HIGH/no convictions. We can do better. Must return to our true selves. Our economy is people. Stronger middle class CAUSE of economic growth.
RAISE MINIMUM WAGE to $15/hour. Overtime Pay, Expand Soc Sec/ Easy to join unions + collectively bargain-standing ovation.hen
Debt-free college.
Greener renewable energy future. 100% clean electric grid.
Comprehensive immigration reform.
Reinstitute Glass Steagall today. Broke up big banks.
Stop bad trade deals sending American jobs overseas. NAFTA = NADA. NO secret trade deals.
Talk to young people. Bruce Springsteen dream alive?
'I voted for you!'
Party of the People/Action/Better future/American Dream!
Standing ovation!
A GREAT SPEECH, with a great reception! Better intro than hrc and bernie.