OMalley says President Trump, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un are both erratic, malignantly
narcissistic,' In interview ahead of return visit to NH.
You have here the intersection of two really erratic and malignantly narcissistic leaders squaring off with nuclear arsenals, OMalley told WMUR in a telephone interview.
Let us hope that more rational voices prevail. We work best as a nation in securing a peaceful world when we act with our neighbors, especially those neighbors that are most directly affected. . .
OMalley cited Trumps shifting positions on China and criticized the president for openly discussing potential responses to an earlier ballistic missile test by North Korea with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in February during a dinner on a public terrace at Trumps Mar-a-Lago resort.
One month, Donald Trump was vilifying China, OMalley said. The next month, he was saying he really likes their leader. The Japanese president was treated to a esreally sort of the Keystone Cops running national security when he was down there in Mar-a-Lago and saw Donald Trump and his administration poring over confidential documents with their cellphone cameras between desert and dinner. . .
He said that to make Trump a one-term president, the Democratic Party must "speak to the primary issue all around our country, and that is everyones own familys ability to work hard and get ahead. It is a message of economic opportunity and growing the middle class, and we need a candidate who can articulate that with the credibility that comes from executive experience.
Its fine to say, Strengthen and grow our middle class. We all agree thats what we should be doing. In my state we actually did it, he said. Number one public schools for the first time. We held that distinction for five years in a row in the middle of a recession. Number one median income. Best state for women-run businesses. A state with upward economic opportunity for all. . .
OMalley said Trumps overall approach to foreign policy is certainly of deep concern. I dont find emotions of anger or fear to be very useful things. But I think all of us as Americans have to be deeply concerned.
The first job of the president of the United States is to keep us safe. And its very hard to evaluate the motives or intent of an administration who professes that its new doctrine is to be totally unpredictable.
That might be a good way to negotiate settlements in real estate deals, OMalley said, but its not a good way to govern the security responsibilities of the worlds great superpower.
He also criticized Trumps stance toward Syria and its people.
How can we on the one hand say that we will not accept any refugees whatsoever from the war-torn country of Syria and yet feel compelled to lob a couple dozen Tomahawk missiles in because were concerned about human rights in Syria?
O'Malley said that the only positive development from the Trump approach to foreign policy was the removal of ultra-conservative former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon from the National Security Council.
Career military and intelligence people seem to be taking over those roles, so let us hope that saner minds prevail, OMalley said.'>>>