Audit: V.I. government employees double-dipping for over a decade
Numerous government employees have been illegally collecting both a salary and pension, also known as double-dipping, including one individual who did so for an extraordinary 14 years, according to the latest audit report by V.I. Inspector General Steven van Beverhoudt.
The report, released Monday, identified systemic failures across numerous departments that have cost the Government Employees Retirement System millions, and blatant violations of the V.I. Codes return-to-work law.
Double dipping is not inherently illegal, but the law limits the number of hours a retiree may return to work as a government employee or contractor and forbids some from returning to work at all, depending on the terms of their pension benefit.
According to the report by the Inspector Generals Office, one of the re-hired retirees owes GERS $458,341, and there are at least 14 others who owe in excess of $10,000.
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