video of South Bend peace walk
Some background:
1. This is not so much a "peace walk" (which is short, only 2 blocks) as much as a prayer service.
2. It's a more or less an ecumenical prayer service (basically evangelical Protestant in flavor, but both white and black churches). The organizers stressed that this was supposed to be a spiritual, not political, event.
3. This event was not organized specifically in response to the killing. This is an annual event, which was first held 3 years ago.
3. This is not a professional video. The sound cuts out at several points, and the footage would not win any Oscars for cinematography. Nevertheless, it shows well-intentioned people trying to do good things.
The sheriff was there as well as Mayor Pete.
Children led the march, holding a banner that said "SAVE: Stand Against Violence Every
There are prayers before the walk (~5-10 minutes)
The walk goes from about 11 -20 minutes.
There is some music, and more prayers, under the tent, from about 20-34 minutes.
Mayor Pete speaks from about 35-40 minutes, without notes. Personally, I thought his words were pretty remarkable (I freely admit to being biased).
The service winds down at about 44 minutes.
FYI, some of the YouTube comments were interesting.