Another Day, Another Challenge
Of course, as Joe Biden supporters we should be accustomed to the next challenge and those to follow.
Still, it's an ants in the pants day as we watch the Biden upswing, the endorsements pouring in and Super Tuesday ready to take off. What appeared 'maybe' doable last week, seems well within the realm of possibility: Joe Biden holds his own tomorrow, shaves off Sanders' support and ends up within striking distance of the nomination, even without a majority at the convention. Right now, Nate Silver sees the possibly that no one has a majority at the end of the primary as the most likely outcome. That could change, of course, but if that happens we'll see the true strength of what coalition building and nurturing professional relationships over a career is all about. Being the perennial maverick/outsider by choice might have a romantic spin to it for some. But come the nitty-gritty of choosing sides, making one of the most important decisions affecting not simply the Democratic Party but the entire country, I know where I'd put my money. And it's not with Bernie.
So good luck to us all tomorrow. The anticipation is a thing of wonder.
and, of course: