will lie. The vast majority of people can see how destructive Donald is to the nation. They therefore know that the right thing to do is not vote for Donald. But, I suspect that the tribal identity is strong - and regardless of what they might say - it is what they will do. I think a percentage of these "NO Trump Voters, according to the polls" will vote for Donald.
Even after all the indecent things that he has done, taking children from their parents (and questionable record keeping); putting children in cages; taking Russia over our American Intelligence Agencies; Secret phone calls to Putin (which we have to find out from Russian News); One quarter of his time spent on his golf courses at Taxpayers expense; Destroying our DOJ; Removing Inspector Generals that provide oversight over the different Departments; and the list goes on. These Trump supporters supported him.
And Now, we are to believe that after all of these past issues, now that Donald is prepared to kill as many Americans as possible to ensure that he get's re-elected, now we are to believe that they will change their support for him. I just don't believe it. I really believe that a significant percentage of them would be prepared to follow Donald like the Jim Jones supporters. They will die for him and prepared to destroy the nation in their support for him.
Sadly, that is what I believe - I see it when my one GOP friend, there is always an excuse for his latest behavior, a new justification that enables them to be there for him.
We have to overwhelmingly vote the GOP out, because we can't depend of these 'newly awakened' No-longer Trump voters.