The Bulwark: America Wasn't Better Than Trump After All, Michael's Quick Take (Elie Mystal + Michael Steele)
As a white cis 55yo male, I found this to be an interesting conversation. I don't typically view the world as partitioned strongly around racial and gendered boundaries, but it most definitely is, and my daily ignorance of that fact is attributable at least partly to my own privilege. Since the election, I have been far more conscious of my demographics, that people will look at my whiteness, my maleness, my age and say I'm probably a Trump voter -- and they're not wrong to think that, demographically speaking. Every individual white man who voted did so as a white man as well as a singular person, and the choice reflects on every member of each of their demographics. The best of us are tainted along with the worst, and ultimately it scales up to the big ol' demographic of every living being on the planet.
The commentary on how specific segments of the Democratic coalition, black women especially, view the situation is a perspective I hadn't really considered before watching this. The party itself is having a crisis beyond losing an election. Trump managed to destroy both major American political parties.
Americans will all suffer for this second Trump term, not just the people who voted for it. Humans around the world will see their fortunes rise and (mostly) fall as a result, not just Americans. Animals around the world will have their lives drastically altered by this choice, not just Humans. The effects of our individual actions ripple outward from us to our families, to our communities, to our societies, to our species, reverberating throughout life itself. Some actions make a bigger impact than others, but they all have potential to resonate. When one of us rejoices or suffers, that person's family and community also shares in that experience.
"...inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me -- Matthew 25:40