Covid Vaccine at -- WALGREENS [View all]
I work at a Walgreens and hope that this does not get me in trouble but based on the number of calls and even tears I deal with every day I hope that this will help.
1)This is not official from the company just my experiences helping people
2)People need to step up and help older & less tech savvy people sign up.
3)You can sign up online but personally I think the app is easier
4)Download the app
5) At the top of the first page it says "Covid -19 Vaccine Update"
6)click on it and there are links to information 'find appointment' and 'sign up for updates'
7)find appointment if there are appoints available in your area a green box will appear and say how many appointments are available in your area and direct you to screening questions.
8)if you are both eligible and there are appointments you can make an appointment right away
*****Tips that may make it go even smoother****
-Create an account IN THE NAME OF THE PERSON LOOKING TO GET THE VACCINE (I am not completely sure a separate accoun
needed for each person but it does seem to be easier to do it this way particularly when someone is signing up multiple people.)
-you can print a copy of the consent form and fill it out before the appointment which may speed it up for you
-wear a mask to appointment
Finally PLEASE be kind to staff. We are doing our best. It is not as simple as taking your name and giving a shot. We need to process quite a bit of paperwork tracking type and lot numbers of each vaccine, bill health providers, do multiple checks to make sure the right person is getting the right vaccine, draw up the vaccine, clean, clean clean and DOCUMENT everything.
We are doing our best but can only immunize as many people as we have vaccine for and this is not easy to predict days in advance. We want to immunize everyone and will not play favorites nor can you pay more to get it faster. If you make an appointment but decide to not go let us know so we can make sure someone else gets it.