This is not as much a response to your OP as it is it is an expression of frustration with who, despite all evidence to the contrary, insist that DOJ/Garland (more often than not, the two appear to be interchangeable as intended targets), are doing nothing.
Their premise is based on nothing. Literally. The backstage critics, and they include certain media personalities and outlets, see nothing happening from their vantage point, and that vantage point alone, coupled with expectations of instant gratification and their inexplicable sense of entitlement to be informed of the inner workings of an agency they play no part in, determines their conclusion that DOJ/Garland are sitting on their asses.
This vitriol has been going on for months. It started when DOJ knew precious little about the insurrection. Today, they likely know only half of what the country needs to know about it. Imagine if DOJ/Garland were to listen to these amateurs, end the investigation in November, when they knew precious little for a fact, let alone for a prosecution, and, as a ridiculously best case scenario, indicted Trump. The investigation would have ended then and there. None of the traitors abetting Trump or preparing themselves to take Trump's place at the head of the ongoing insurrection would have been exposed.The building of the infrastructure to topple democracy and suspend the Constitution would have continued unimpeded.
Thank goodness the investigation is being conducted by dedicated professionals and not vengeful third graders.