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In reply to the discussion: Would there be so many border crossers if there wasn't a 'market' for them on the US side? [View all]RSherman
(576 posts)He was going on and on about the "illegals". He said he saw on TV yesterday that companies are receiving tax credits for hiring immigrants before American citizens. I googled that when I got home and could only find references to something during the Obama administration that was conflated with the ACA. I informed him about a food processing plant that was raided by ICE. The owner made up SS numbers for the workers. He was sentenced to 27 years, and of course, Trump commuted his sentence to time served.
US companies absolutely profit from hiring/exploiting undocumented workers. They don't want the "immigration problem" solved. They love it.
Read "The Great Escape" in which US oil companies went through brokers to trick around 200 highly skilled welders from India to come to the US to repair the oil rigs that were damaged after Katrina. The companies didn't want to pay US union wages. Once the Indian men were here, they were basically imprisoned. They were finally able to get word to a labor organizer who helped free them.
Also, because US employers make up SS numbers for undocumented workers, the employees contribute to the SS fund, but will never be able to collect. According to a book I read, undocumented workers have contributed $2T to Social Security. Yet, our politicians cry that the fund is constantly running out.
Also, a Target store in TX hires undocumented Mexicans to be night cleaners. They make them work 60 hours/week, no OT, because really, who are the employees going to complain to?
And, Trump hired undocumented Polish workers when he bought the Bonwit Teller store and converted it to Trump Towers. Then promptly refused to pay them. (of course) There was a years long lawsuit which eventually concluded in some sort of settlement. (of course it was litigated! ugh!)