Aurelius wrote extensively about women... he wrote extensively about everything!
Let's start with words from Aurelius himself.
Nowadays, the most simple of the sex , will pretend to wit; and yet the wisest of them swerves from wisdom. They know not how little they know, and how much they are ignorant. They will determine suddenly upon the most arduous matters, as if they'd studied it for a thousand years. Yet if you contradict them in their opinions, they will take you for the very worst of enemies. Bold is the woman who presumes to give advice to a Man, but much bolder, he who thinks fit to take it.
And from Mary Beard... historian extraordinaire...
In the early fourth century BC Aristophanes devoted a whole comedy to the hilarious fantasy that women might take over running the state. Part of the joke was that women couldnt speak properly in public or rather, they couldnt adapt their private speech (which in this case was largely fixated on sex) to the lofty idiom of male politics. In the Roman world, Ovids Metamorphoses that extraordinary mythological epic about people changing shape (and probably the most influential work of literature on Western art after the Bible) repeatedly returns to the idea of the silencing of women in the process of their transformation. Poor Io is turned into a cow by Jupiter, so she cannot talk but only moo.
The content creator could have made a good example using a philosopher other than Aurelius...
But he was stupid to base his video around Aurelius.
Marcus Aurelius... voting for a woman to lead a nation. (Face Palm)