I wonder if it has finally occurred to mainstream media like the New York Times... [View all]
...just how incredibly bad it will look for them if Trump's increasing dementia becomes impossible to hide by Inauguration Day,, should Trump regain the presidency. How the hell did they "miss it"? That's a question they won't have any answer for, let alone a good one..
Trump's warning signs have been flashing Red for months, but the mainstream media has chosen to blow right through them, and for the most part refused to cover it. They had no trouble, of course, endlessly covering Biden's supposed age related issues before he withdrew, however.. Trump would be the oldest President ever inaugurated should he win in November, yet that fact is barely noted. Can you imagine the public reaction to a full Inaugural Address by Trump being viewed in full by tens of millions? Knowing that his four year term in office is not yet one day old? It's all going down hill, and fast. It could well become the political story of the century so far, when the 25th amendment needs to be invoked during Trump's first year in office (whether or not it actually would be, given the deplorable state of the Republican story, is another matter.)
They have less than three weeks to go for their coverage of Trump to catch of with the reality of his rapid deterioration. There are signs that they may be starting to desperately play catch up on this story, but their efforts so far do not begin to approach the magnitude of this story. Time is running out.