Kamala's "to-do" list addition [View all]
Everyone making less than $15 an hour gets a $.05 cent raise every week until they reach $15. Places
that have raised wages by a dollar over night whine & cry about how it'll hurt their bottom line, run them
out of business etc.
5 cents times 40 hours is only 2 dollars a week, lot harder to whine to the public about a 5 cent raise.
Plus 5 cents every week is $ 2.60 a year, that's better than a dollar and so gradual business will be able
to adapt.
Now consider the millions of people who in one year will have an extra $104 dollars in their weekly
pay checks and that they will be spending most of that on products.
Companies will have to hire additional workers to keep up with demand, so fewer drawing unemployment,
more people able to afford their food, clothing, & shelter so fewer people in jail, fewer jails needed.
Plus when the next midterms get here it's "Kamala's economy rocks" give her more Ds in the House
and Senate to work her magic. A real trickle up economy, plus Rs will look small complaining about $.05.