A surprise positive reaction to my Comma-la T-shirt. [View all]
My husband and I stopped at a local, only-one-of-its-kind family owned sub shop that we like about noon today. While we were waiting for our order, a young woman seated at one of the very few tables said, "I like your shirt!"
I had on my long-sleeved, dark gray with white lettering Comma-la T-shirt. The comma is quite large, looking like a 9, with the "la" in the middle of the round part - like this one: https://www.etsy.com/listing/884508173/comma-la-t-shirt-kamala-harris-tshirt
We chatted a bit, and I showed her cell phone pics of my blue wave cat lady shirt. I'm not childless, but have 4 cats besides our 2 in-their-early-30s sons. She liked that shirt, too.
I say surprise reaction because we live in the 1 of the 5 Chicago/Cook County collar counties that is red rather than blue. A few years ago, our own town was specifically mentioned in a local news article as a stronghold for Republicans. I've been a little cowardly about wearing these shirts out in public because of this, often camouflaging it a bit by wearing my shoulder bag purse across my chest, but I kind of forgot I had it on today. I explained my hesitancy, and she said she understood.
The young man she was with listened to our conversation with a smile on his face, and said now he wouldn't worry about wearing a shirt like mine out and about.
I told them they had made my day.