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In reply to the discussion: Add my "what went wrong" take to the pile [View all]orange jar
(878 posts)Now, whether it's just RW echo chambers that are to blame
well, I'm not completely sure. Blame will be going around in all different directions for a long time.
I don't know how we break these propaganda bubbles. We tell these people to just "learn to hear opposing views," and while that should almost certainly be the first step, it falls on deaf ears to most of these people. They truly do not care to. Social media algorithms are literally designed to feed gullible people rage bait to keep them on their platforms, and this is a well-known fact yet, people will tell themselves "not me, tho" while continuing to fall for propaganda that fits their worldview. This is the greatest danger to liberalism and, by extension, the Democratic party.
There is no such thing as universal truths or facts. If anything, you'll see completely dumbass statements like "reality is what you make it" get praised and boosted. Literally normalizing "DIY research" and echo chambers. Or, if people aren't stuck in extremely partisan echo chambers, every single thing is seen as a joke or meme. Everything's ironic. So, even when something serious is happening, nobody takes it seriously because it is distilled into nonsensical memes and humor. Hell, sometimes, forcing every single situation or event to become a viral meme or joke creates propaganda on its own see: Trump. Do you know how many people I've seen who like Trump just because they think he's funny or a good source for content?
I know this turned into a bit of a rant, but all of this is genuinely maddening.