General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Democrats need to figure out how we lost to a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. [View all]Nanjeanne
(5,465 posts)understand - even after losing voters that they used to depend on - they need to step away and engage with voters in a different way - in my opinion. When Walz was selected there was so much excitement. His responses when questioned about his "socialist" or "progressive" policies were wonderful. Then he was smoothed out, relegated to the back seat while Liz Cheney became the standard bearer for the Democratic Party.
My 2 cents for what it's worth. Stop chasing the illusive R/I voter and start by concentrating on the non-voters who feel nothing changes in their lives. Rs aren't going to vote for Ds in any big enough number that justifies a watering down of policies to convince them otherwise.
Swing voters are not moving R to D. Swings are non-voter to voter. And that can be done with a bold platform akin to FDRs that ignites a feeling of excitement and inclusion in the outcome.
Engage in transformative politics and stop with the transaction politics. Excite, Innovate, Big - not incremental and small thinking.
Try to build a media landscape that can compete with right wing propaganda
Don't just organize every 4 or 2 years. Build a year round organizing effort and build coalitions in rural areas recruiting local people to run locally and build a big bench.
Be FDR like - Attack corporate greed head on and understand the pain working people are experiencing. Its Populism that works. Having a billionaire like Pritzker stand on the DNC stage and declare his billions are more real than Trumps isn't exactly a working man's dream. Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift are great advocates. They bring excitement to a rally. But declaring their endorsements as if it's going to swing a needle isn't the answer. We always talk about the middle class. What about the working poor? What about the people Rev. Barber is always working for. Those people have a hard enough time working their two or more jobs. Give them a reason to vote.
Call out "hate for profit" scheme of the rightwing. Don't be afraid. Don't be defensive. Stop apologizing. Biden didn't misspeak when he said Trump supporters were terrible. They are. Apologizing isn't going to make Trump supporters vote for Harris. Racists, hate mongers, anti-immigrant people are terrible. Stop apologizing for insulting them while shitting on core Dem constituents like young people, anti-war people, progressives.
It's time to leave behind the Clinton/Obama/Biden way of doing things. Embrace a new way forward. Please understand this isn't an attack on them. It's been done. It's not helping. World has changed. Our politics have to also. Honestly if I never hear we need a strong two party system or Republicans are our friends and we admire Reagan and Kissinger again, Ill be a happy Democrat. Rs never say that.
Stop dumping on your base - young people, progressives, lefties . . . Rs play to their base. Ds run from them and continually expect they'll show up anyway. Well they arent. And their values are closer to ours than Dick and Liz Cheney. Stop chastising them and start listening.
Work with community activists.
Stop using the strategies that lost the last elections. Focus on new strategies (it can't be worse than what we have now). Stick to the hopeful vision we want to achieve. Develop a platform that is forward thinking - visionary - right for people - and then just stick with it.
Speak like a normal person. Engage in dialogue. Don't be a poll-tested robot.
Frankly, if one more Republican pundit gets on TV and says the problem is the left or the progressives or the young or the anti war crowd or whatever I think I'll scream. I never have cared what a freaking Rethuglican has said and I certainly am not interested in their tired same old same old plan for Democrats future.
Yeah. My two cents and hopefully this won't be construed as "anti" Democrat or "anti" Biden or "anti" Harris. I have been a Democrat my entire life. I've never voted any other way. I would like to see a Democrat in the White House again. I'd like to be proud of my country. I'm tired of trying to win over some white soccer mom who is too stupid to realize that her daughter is going to suffer from her vote or some ridiculous white businessman who hates Trump but sure likes his tax cuts and the chance to pollute the country. How about we win back the people tired of never getting ahead, never seeing a change in their pocketbook, their child's ability to get an education, the chance to take a two week vacation and rent an apartment and earn a decent wage? Paid Leave. Paid Sick Days. Tuition Free College. Medicare For All. Fair tax burdens. Living Wage. Negotiated Drug Prices for Everyone. Taxes that go to making our lives better - not wars. That's the Democratic Party I'm fighting for.