The Democratic Party Needs To Go 100% Dark [View all]
It obviously wont happen. There is not enough courage for them to completely withdraw, but its the only solution we have for the long term.
Quit with this figuring out what went wrong bullshit. Quit telling me we need to regroup and fight another day. I dont want to hear that, and I dont plan to fight a battle that has already been decided. We are not going to see a single policy that is worth supporting. EVERY SINGLE BILL our side proposes will be DOA. Our partys leaders need to accept that. There is ZERO doubt that is what At Least the next 2 years holds.
The ONLY chance we have to eventually move forward, and is still by no means, guaranteed, is to let the Assholes across the aisle, own everything, lock, stock and barrel.
Dont waste time showing up to Congress for useless debates. Quit saying we want to help people. The majority of people have spoken, and they dont want our help. Theyre laughing in our faces. The ones who do want it, and voted for us, are screwed either way. Every beneficial policy we put forth will be a losing policy.
Let them have what they want. Let every Senate vote be 53-0. Let every House vote be 225-0. Dont just let them own the fuckstorm, because its coming either way. LET THEM OWN IT!! Have the left side of the House chamber be completely empty for The State Of The Union.
I am done wasting my time or effort on this shithole of a country. The only respect Ill have for our party, would be if we show the people that THEY OWN EVERYTHING that happens these next 2-4 years. I wont think any less of our leaders, in fact, Ill think more.
The game is now rigged. Sometimes you got to know when to hold em and when to fold em. As the computer said at the end of the movie War Games, Strange game, the only way to win, is not to play.