Since it is pretty clear that the Democratic Party will have little, to no say at the national levels of government..... [View all]
I propose that we continue to vote every day with our dollars. And my proposal is that we target something at the very core of Americana......
A boycott of the National Football League.
The billionaire boys club of NFL owners overwhelmingly contribute to the Republican party and the league has its tentacles into everything. The leagues has time and again leveraged public fear of losing their teams to another city into forcing the people to pay for these obscenely rich families' multi billionaire dollar stadiums. Many times paying for these stadiums comes at the expense of important social programs, infrastructure and other basic things that cities need to fund. The league's sponsorship deals are so broad that even a small, but sustained drop in television ratings would potentially have an impact.
This incoming administration is not beholden to the people of this country but they are beholden to the plutocrats that effectively own this country and many of them own NFL teams. I know this country loves its football but maybe if enough of us love of freedoms and our very way of life, this could be the start of a way of fighting back.
Right now this is just a half-baked idea but a public, organized boycott could potentially make some noise and cause some problems for the incoming administration. I'm desperately trying to come up with ideas of how we can resist because the prospects of what we are facing is almost to much to bear.