The bank bailout (sans accountability) makes perfect sense. I was pretty pissed off about that myself. And yes, I remember Ben Rhodes - followed him on Twitter back in the day, which is why it confused me.
That actually ties into something my Mom shared. She lives in a retirement community and said that there were a lot of people carping about the student loan deal the past few months. Back when these folks were in college they weren't diploma mills (and costing $100k+ for that degree), but the underlying theme according to her was that they are about helping people in bad circumstances they had no control over. Not bailing out people for making "bad choices". I don't know how to unwind that.
So now they are going to see their tax dollars going into a privatized Social Security and Medicare - with certainty that the investors will be bailed out as needed - along with the lack of accountability for anyone in the cabal, and they are apparently just fine with that.
Okie doke. I guess this is who we are now. Or maybe always have been.
Thanks for the clarification.