Would we have won the presidency if we had an open primary instead of Joe endorsing Kamala and our party riding the resulting tidal wave of "jumping on board?" We'll never know. I doubt an open primary would have worked and think Joe did the right thing.
Are the Dems screwing the pooch when it comes to what Carville calls "identitarianism" (as a way of giving space to the two-meaning word "woke" )? Yes, we most definitely are. Carville is 100% right about that.
We had a hurricane of inflation and immigration. Those were the main reasons we lost. Our plan was better. But people don't think as much about plans as about how things are now and in the recent past. We needed professional grade credibility to get them on board with a future.
Harris and Walz did a great job of putting front and center items of importance front and center. But it was too late. Sillies clinging to our party had led some of us astray and had talked too much without being de-centered by the fair vote of a majority of our party's voices.