1.) Make a statement to his Nazi Bros that this "Woke" stuff in the military has gone way too far way too expensive, and detrimental to troop readiness.
2.) Clean house with the top brass to weed out anyone who does not have unquestionable loyalty to djt and djt alone. Fuck the US Constitution or the foolish notion of not following any/all/every order from the Commander in Chief even if considered an illegal order.
[DJT wants German general loyalty like Hitler had. Djt intends to weed out the disloyal and install blindly loyal military brass.]
Extra one,..
3.) Djt may want to clean house at the top brass so he can then install he chosen - Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff..... wait for it.......
... former Army lieutenant general but now presently four star general (once promoted) - Michael Thomas Flynn.
Djt would kill two birds with one stone with such a choice. He would have undying and blind loyalty from Flynn and he would marry a strict brand of Christo-Fascism into the US military ranks. Out with the "woke" pinko pansy bullshit and in with the djt brand of fully condoned hyper toxic masculinity.
Djt's personal - bust some skulls squad - have some fun boys, don't just own the Libs any longer - beat the fucking shit out of them and bloody them up.