Want To Know Why Putin's Army is Doing Such a Bad Job in Ukraine? [View all]
Because, as is the case in all 'strong man*' dictatorships, promotion in his military is based on LOYALTY rather than merit. Eventually, you end up with an Army that's run by the Dear Leader's loyalists, and other suck-up opportunists, rather than the best people for the job.
The United States spent 70 years after WWII building the most professional, and least political Army in the world. If Trump is going to politicize in now, he'll end up destroying all that work. If I were a career soldier, I'd be pretty damned pissed at this orange faced jackass right now.
*Footnote: I put 'strong man' in quotes, because dictators are not strong men, they're cowards. Being able to defend your ideas and political philosophies in the public arena of a democracy takes strength. If you don't have that kind of strength, you take the cheap way out, and have your political rivals poisoned, shot in the back, or thrown out of windows, the way Putin does. He's the very definition of a coward.