We heard quite a lot up to Nov 5 that certain states had been removing names, some LOTS of names, from the voter rolls, whether those voters had moved, or maybe hadn't voted in years, or had immigrant surnames.
Yet, after the election, I heard nothing about any voter who tried to vote and was turned away. Nothing about any voters whose names were no longer on the rolls, and could not vote. Nothing about any minorities specifically not allowed to vote when they should have been able to vote.
Are we to believe that all those voter purges by Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, Florida, etc, were flawless? Perfectly executed so that no one who was entitled to vote was denied the right to vote?
Or were these stories all over the news and somehow I missed them?
Greg Palast is up to his usual.
Heres What We Do Now
A Personal Note
by Greg Palast
November 6, 2024
As a former professor of statistics, I know theres still a lot of sleuthing in the numbers I have to do, but I can tell you this: The number of rejected provisional ballots, the number of voters wrongly purged from the rolls, the number of ballots spoiled and not counted, has unquestionably skyrocketed.
The result: This is the most Jim Crow, racially bent election Ive covered in 25 years of reporting.
Did that make the difference? Dont ask our see-no-evil media. While, before the election, The New York Times (never forget to capitalize the The) and MSNBC will run some stories on vote suppression trickery, from crazy ID requirements to rejecting student registrations to suspect purges of voters. However, the establishment outlets will NEVER, EVER say that these ugly, racist electoral swindles changed the outcome of the election.
They will wave the flag and tell us that American democracy prevailed again. Thats just horseshit. Excuse my French, but when are we going to face the fact that Jim Crow has returned this time as Dr. James Crow, systems analyst.
In my film Vigilantes Inc.: Americas New Vote Suppression Hitmen, I note that just one Trump-backed group, True the Vote, signed up a posse of 40,000 of self-proclaimed vote fraud hunters who, two months ago, had already challenged the ballots of 852,381 voters, overwhelmingly citizens of color with a goal, undoubtedly met of challenging 2 MILLION by this week.
Could disqualifying literally millions of ballots affect an elections outcome? What do you think, Sherlock?