My ex-MIL survived the Holocaust. But the cost was great, almost unimaginable. I lost my daughter to an impaired driver. There was also a lot of shit that went on between now and then. 9/11 less than 2 months after Bekah died; an illegal and disastrous war in Iraq. List goes on and on.
There's always something somewhere and it is almost universally lamentable because it doesn't have to be this way. Mother Nature can do terrible things, but the most terrible things that happen are caused by humans. At some point, Earth will naturally cease to be a place that supports life. I hate that humans will probably kill off the planet before it happens naturally. They'll kill off the human race with greed.
Today my country is being lost to a fascist authoritarian. I never knew how many Americans just whistle past the graveyard and never give a thought to these things. They don't care. This right wing propaganda-inspired mass sociopathy is not an accident.
Republicans won. They may be worse at winning than they are at losing. I am not comforted knowing there's another election in 2 years; I think there's an excellent chance that the outcome will be pre-ordained as it is in Russia. Nonetheless I will continue to persist, resist, and be as active as I can between now and my last breath. I won't change for these fascist fucks. I will be part of the Opposition. I owe this much to the generations who will be living in the aftermath of the election for years, decades, who knows how long.