But profits are a good thing. Consider the alternative: losses.
The problem is not profits, but profits distribution and sharing. The rich get rich and stay rich because of public infrastructure, public education, public healthcare, and public social security. They also often work hard for their riches, but also they most often have very good luck in terms of timing and being in the right place at the right time in the "right" families.
There are several ways to share the fruits of happy well functioning societies and some ways for when societies devolve. Choose wisely.
A. Good (high) wages.
B. Heavy taxation of the rich.
C. Profit sharing plans.
D. Worker-owned companies and cooperatives. viz Barcelona.
E. Communism, which leads to stagnation and unhappiness.
F. Revolution, which is tragically destructive.
Some mixture of the first four work very well. E and F not so much but when people are pushed too much, shit happens.
Instead we are going to be getting:
X. Kakistocracy (RFinKjr), kleptocracy (El Caudillo de Mar-a-lago), oligarchies (Vivek, Thiel, Vance), punishing wages, social clampdown, and varying degrees of fascism, all for the billionaires benefit.
This is super ironic because the suckers who elected that gang think they elected populists who will lift them up and free them and finally they too can get rich. They are however right about one thing: they elected people who hate almost everyone they hate. The exception is the elites the suckers elected don't hate the elites the suckers hate; they are those elites.