Are Dems missing a message opportunity again? The GOP, directed by Trump, once again failed to pass bi-partisan [View all]
legislation that was ready to be passed. The budget fiasco was just like the border bill. There was bi-partisan agreement on a really good border bill that the GOP had initiated. It was a go for both sides UNTIL Trump stepped in and ordered the GOP controlled House to vote against it. And they did! The same thing just happened with the funding bill. These two GOP anti-good governance moves by Trump and the GOP need to linked with full 24/7 coverage by the MSM, especially MSNBC and CNN and on as many radio stations as possible. The ads should be run in one form or another until next primary season. Every chance the Dems get, they should link both these events as markers of proof that the GOP and Trump do not have the best interest of the American people in mind. They are nasty, greedy, evil actors whose only interests are owning the libs, destroying our government, and making as much money as they can by scheming against our government and their constituents.
I want to hear that message linking as much as I heard about "her emails" in 2015 and 2016.