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Showing Original Post only (View all)MAGAt in the office yesterday told me "our town used to be great before they started shipping in these Puerto Ricans." [View all]
I quietly informed her Puerto Ricans are American citizens, as are Samoans, people from the Virgin Islands, Guamese, and Saipanese. She said "nope, they are immigrants and here illegally."
I quietly informed her that the are American "protectorates," which are really just colonies and they have the same rights and privileges as all Americans.
She said all non-Americans need to get out. I asked if that applied to my wife who is here on a Green Card. She backtracked and said "Well, she's here legally." I said so are the Puerto Ricans that you said were shipped in and given housing on your dime. Since they are American citizens, maybe we should demand the government do the same for us.
When I told her that PR has elections every five years to determine if they remain as they are, become a state, or become independent, she sunk back into silence. I think she realized her racism was exposed and it wasn't Puerto Ricans, but all non-English speaking brown people she had a problem with.
I finished her business and let her leave. Don't think I made an impression, but at least the idiocy stopped.
One more. . .I get to listen, being a still certified teacher but switching careers, that the schools are now useless because no one teacher kids cursive writing anymore. I keep trying to tell these people that if it isn't in the state standards, most school don't teach it. But they are steadfast in teaching students a style of writing that is pretty much obsolete. More unfunded mandates on our schools.
They also love metal detectors and school having police departments in the schools because of why might happen and that these kids today need to learn how to respect authority. I keep saying "yes, can't have too much individualism. That doesn't serve the owners of the country much good. Blind conformity is always best when trying to control people."