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In reply to the discussion: What do you think went through Officer Wilson's mind as he gunned down unarmed Michael Brown? [View all]Dustlawyer
(10,519 posts)This thinking of poor American citizens as people less deserving of respect, or no respect at all is pervasive. This is not necessarily a racists moniker, they apply it to poor whites and people who they perceive as giving them a hard time. We are all potential Scrotes if we question them at all. It is definitely an "us against them" mentality. It is dehumanizing at a minimum and leads to wrongful prosecutions, abuse, and sometimes, unnecessary deaths!
It is born of tolerance of this behavior by all in the law enforcement field, as their is no one teaching them any different. They all rise up through the ranks having to deal with the public when we are not at our best for sure. The instructors have had to go through this too and see nothing wrong with it. They get lied to and abused so much that this is their natural reaction. I am not defending it at all, just saying where it comes from and why they (law enforcement leaders and instructors) don't say/do anything about it.
The cops know that their co-workers feel the same way and will back them up!