ISIL/IS/whatever is a few thousand wanna-be-bad-asses for "God" who are being mind-f**ed by Al-Baghdadi and his ilk and while they are armed idiots, they aren't "here" in enough numbers to cause a lot of problems; in fact, they are in far less numbers and far less likely to create havok in the population at large than our normal militia, religious, political, or other ego-driven crazies.
Ebola is an uglier death than the flu or some other virii, but the flu and various other virii and bacteria still kills far more Americans than Ebola would, (except, perhaps in states where the government could care less about the heath and wellbeing of poor citizens.) We also have a better health, communication, and quarenteing infrastructure than the West African countries that are currently being decimated.
Whereas angry cops hopped up on steriods in communities where tickets and fees are the major source of revenue...that shit can get your life ruined whether or not you "didn't act properly" or committed an infraction. Some a-hole neighbor or thoughtless teen can call in a Swatting, or they can get the wrong address, or their boss just told them "y'know, 50 more tickets by the end of shift would do this city some good".... and there ya go. Pulled over just because you attracted their attention, whether or not they were actually looking for something.
And yes, they'll pull over old white women if it looks like they could get a ticket or money out of her...
The only safe citizen in such cases is a distinguished looking older white man in a nice, clean car - someone who looks like they could be a lawyer, or could have one on retainer.