Is slavery, but counting on the poor and disadvantaged to do the dirty work is perfectly fine. That is their place after all.
There isn't going to be a draft because the government and MIC agree that the self-entitled shouldn't have to contribute. They military wants the freedom to wage war, and as long as military service falls only to poor and disadvantaged, people who don't count, they can do anything they want. Vietnam showed the hazards of a draft, and empire depends on a placated public. Plus a draft would cut into or even eliminate the profits of the private contracting firms, and God forbidden so-called leftists would want that to happen, not if it requires their having to contribute anything.
I suggest you use some of your free time to read up about slavery because for you to compare the specter of the upper-middle and middle class doing national service to the status of being owned by another human being is preposterous.
For the record, I am for national service, not just military service. The kind of self-entitled attitudes displayed through these discussions are precisely why I favor it. Americans would do well to think of something besides themselves. Because when middle-class white men sit around and compared themselves to people born into slavery--who had their children, husbands and wives sold away from them at will, who spent their entire lives knowing they would never be anything but someone's property--something is very seriously wrong.
Countries that do not count on poverty to fill the ranks of the military have a qualification for national service. Everyone contributes a year at age 18 or 19. They do so because they believe all citizens benefit from the nation and thus should share in responsibility and sacrifice. Here people like the poor and people of color do the heavy lifting, and people like it that way.