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In reply to the discussion: Chelsea Clinton joins Expedia board of directors [View all]not fooled
(6,133 posts)not dealing with vicious pukes by running for office.
I don't know whether she would be a good candidate or not. Just pointing out that for her personal happiness, she will avoid a lot of grief by doing other things.
Not that it's fair--just an unfortunate reality of today's hideous climate created by the pukes. Look what they did to Secretary Clinton.
As long as a significant segment of the Murican electorate remains susceptible to the sh*t dished out by Faux, flush, et al. that's not going to change.
Well, perhaps now that dump's supporters are seeing what he really has in store for them. Secretary Clinton would have been immeasurably better for their lives than the dump cabal. When the dumpsters are no longer conned, we could have elections free of ridiculous fables and malice. Not expecting that to happen any time soon.