We saw thousands of wind turbines, and actually saw 3 huge trucks, each carrying a turbine blade. They're still putting up more.
The most recent number I could find said there were over 19,000 wind turbines in Texas, and they accounted for 24% of the state's electricity.
And, they have the second largest number of solar panel installations in the nation.
I have to give Texas credit for leading in the area of "green" energy projects.
We realize that hundreds of thousands of birds are killed by wind turbines each year, but that is far less than the millions that dies in collisions with windows each year.
And, the number of birds killed by fossil fuel powered electrical generating facilities is far higher; in the order of 20 million+.
I'm not going to point to sources, a simple google search will give a large number of sources. I didn't feel that any one of them showed a complete result. So, look for yourself; the data is out there.
But I will say that all this carnage is a result of 340 million Americans living in an advanced civilization that relies on electricity to sustain it.
All we can do is try to mitigate the damage. There is no practical, all-encompassing solution.