It won't get it, of course. But it does deserve a more prominent place in the news. Public servants spend their careers working for the public and are penalized in the way their Social Security benefits are calculated. They are also penalized by being disqualified for Social Security widow/'widowers benefits.
I am a Federal retiree. I have worked in positions subject to Social Security and paid the tax (am paying it still, as I continue working after my retirement from government) but my benefit is calculated at about half what it would have been had I not worked for the government as well as the private sector. And, while my spouse stands to receive a decent widow's pension from my Government service should I pre-decease her, I stand to receive nothing at all from her Social Security should she pre-decease me. Curious, I think, since I have paid for my SSA benefit while working subject to the tax and ask only that my benefit be calculated based on what I paid and using the same formula as others. More irritating is that my spouse has paid into social security her entire working life -- and she, too, continues to work and pay the tax -- but has had the right to provide a survivor benefit stripped from her, a right that would have been hers had she married a non-governmental worker.
(End note: since the actuarial demise of Social Security is going to begin in 2033 or thereabouts, my complaints will probably not mean much after that date. Only Congress can fix the systemic problems intrinsic in the system -- and with the current MAGA Congress, there will be no fixing of the system, and the so-called "Representatives of the people" will party hardy as they watch the whole system just fade slowly away.)