I noticed during the campaign that, even when prompted, Trump would not say anything negative about Putin.
Then he was elected and that continued.
He has also, not particularly subtly, made statements that call into question his and the U.S.'s fealty to NATO. As this piece notes he mimics some of Putin's words about NATO.
Now, he and his staff are telegraphing that after an upcoming meeting with Putin, that he'll move to terminate the sanctions currently in place on Russia.
Trump and his people and most of the Republican leadership may indeed be committing treason by actively supporting and advancing the interests of a hostile foreign power.
Our system of government may be unable to combat this.
When a single party has captured all of the branches of government (including most of the governorships of the states) who is to stop the traitors? Is a special counsel going to be enough?
The biggest flaw in our system is that there really has never been anything stopping anyone who is operating in complete bad faith from doing whatever they want. Suits can be brought and even criminal charges can be filed but if the Department of Justice is compromised then who is to actually pursue the cases?
Even if the cases are pursued...if the judiciary is compromised--who is to side with the rule of law?
A woman has been arrested, tried, and convicted of laughing during Jeff Sessions confirmation hearings. She is going to go to jail unless some court finds that her 1st amendment rights have been violated. But who is bring to bring the suit?
Trump has refused to divest himself of his businesses and is actively using his office to juice his profits. Foreign leaders feel compelled to stay at the Trump Hotel in Washington. The Emoulments clause is simply being flouted. Blatant nepotism is the order of the day with Jared Kushner being granted the highest of clearances and tasked with a broad range of key tasks--including bringing the Israelis and Palestinians back to the peace table.
Trump shared incredibly sensitive information with the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador. He met with them the day after he fired the Director of the FBI. Russian photographers were invited to this meeting, but the US press was kept out.
Who is there in the government to put a stop to blatant corruption, actively promoting the interests of a hostile foreign power, and sharing crucial intelligence with that foreign power?
When all parts of our federal government have been compromised who has the power to stop this?
The Founders never imagined this.
We very well may have been defeated from within.